KEQU - Kewaunee Scientific Corporation8:00:00 PM 7/26/2024
-0.66 (-1.22%)
Kewaunee Scientific Corporation designs, manufactures, and installs laboratory, healthcare, and technical furniture products. The company operates in two segments, Domestic and International. Its products include steel, wood, laminate furniture, fume hoods, biological safety cabinets, laminar flow and ductless hoods, adaptable modular and column systems, moveable workstations and carts, epoxy resin worksurfaces, sinks, and accessories and related design services. The company's laboratory products are used in chemistry, physics, biology, and other general science laboratories in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, industrial, chemical, commercial, educational, government, and health care markets; technical products are used in facilities manufacturing computers and light electronics and by users of computer and networking furniture; and laminate caseworks that are used in educational, healthcare, and industrial applications. The company sells its products primarily through dealers, commissioned agents, and a national distributor, as well as through competitive bids submitted by the company and its subsidiaries in Singapore, India, and China. Kewaunee Scientific Corporation was founded in 1906 and is headquartered in Statesville, North Carolina.
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