QS - QuantumScape Corp8:00:02 PM 7/26/2024
+ 0.16 (2.33%)
Kensington Capital Acquisition Corp. is a special purpose acquisition company formed for the purpose of effecting a business combination in the automotive sector. Kensington is sponsored by Kensington Capital Partners LLC and the management team of Justin Mirro, Bob Remenar, Simon Boag and Daniel Huber. Kensington is also supported by a board of independent directors including Tom LaSorda, Anders Pettersson, Mitch Quain, Don Runkle and Matt Simoncini. The Kensington team has completed over 70 automotive transactions and has over 300 years of combined experience leading some of the largest automotive companies in the world.
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Moving Average Convergence/Divergence oscillator (MACD) is one of the simplest and most effective momentum indicators available.

Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements. RSI oscillates between zero and 100. According to Wilder, RSI is considered overbought when above 70 and oversold when below 30.

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