HMST - HomeStreet Inc8:00:00 PM 7/26/2024
+ 0.66 (4.95%)
HomeStreet, Inc., d.b.a HomeStreet Bank, together with its subsidiaries, provides various financial services primarily in Washington, Oregon, California, and Hawaii. The company was founded as Continental Mortgage and Loan Company in 1921 by W. Walter Williams. It changed its name to Continental Savings Bank in 1986. In May of 2000, the named changed to HomeStreet Bank. Its current headquarters are in Seattle, Washington. Following the financial crisis of 2007–2008 the bank suffered heavy losses. In 2012, in order to satisfy regulatory capital requirements, it raised $89 million in an IPO, ending four generations of control by the Williams family.
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Short Volume Ratio = Short Volume / All Volume. Source of Short Volume data comes from 


Moving Average Convergence/Divergence oscillator (MACD) is one of the simplest and most effective momentum indicators available.

Relative Strength Index (RSI) is a momentum oscillator that measures the speed and change of price movements. RSI oscillates between zero and 100. According to Wilder, RSI is considered overbought when above 70 and oversold when below 30.

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