AY - Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure Plc8:00:00 PM 7/26/2024
+ 0.01 (0.05%)
Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure plc acquires, owns, and manages renewable energy, natural gas, transmission and transportation infrastructures, and water assets in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Uruguay, Spain, Algeria, and South Africa. It owns 25 assets comprising 1,496 MW of aggregate renewable energy installed generation capacity; 343 MW of natural gas-fired power generation capacity; 1,166 miles of electric transmission lines; and 10.5 million cubic feet per day of water desalination assets. The company was formerly known as Atlantica Yield plc and changed its name to Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure plc in May 2020. Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure plc was founded in 2013 and is based in Brentford, the United Kingdom.
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